We had our first Graduation Congratulation Quiz on June 12th and we have another one today. The first question was WHO GRADUATED FROM ARIZONA CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY THIS SEASON? The answer is Tori Bates. I have another tough quiz for you today.

We congratulated Priscilla Ramos and Salina Juarez on June 12th. Today is Father’s Day to honor fathers so we will do more graduation congratulations on June 26th.

Kyle Cherryholmes walked us through the teaching of the Bible on the subject of sin on June 12th. The title of his message was A HOLE IN THE HEART IS UNIVERSAL. He shared a collection of Scriptures that reveals some great insights on the hole in everyone’s heart that sin has caused. I have printed off the list of Scriptures Kyle walked us through and placed some at the Information Center for you to pick up today.

VBS is July 11-15. Sheri Elisaldez is the director. Speak with her if you would like to help out. The theme this year is WILD ANIMALS.

There is a Q&A fact sheet that is now available on the Charis Alliance that was not included in the Information envelope I prepared. Stop by the Information Center and get your copy.

The Summer Sunday brochure for 2016 is at the Information Center. The theme isTHE BIBLE SPEAKS TODAY. We start on June 26 at 5:30pm.

Summer schedules for some of your fellowship groups are now in place. Please check the calendar in your bulletin for updates.

God’s best to you,

Pastor Richard